Order Form for BPB Designs

Pleae print a copy of this form, complete it and fax it to 860-873-8852. If you like you can email me with the information. Please send your check or money order (payable to: Bubble Pitch Builders), to P.O. Box 425, Hadlyme, CT. 06439. You can also use PAYPAL. We will e-mail you an order confirmation and approximate shipping date. Items in bold are items that need to be filled in to process and ship your order. Please note that the prices for items include regular(ground) shipping to the Continental US only. Contact us for shipping to Alaska or Hawaii. Sorry, we cannot ship out of the USA.

Sold to:(Your name and address) Ship to:(if different from sold to)
Name: Name:
Street Address: Street Address:
City: City:
State:Zip: State:Zip:
Email Address:
Home Phone#:

Items Ordered
Part #DescriptionQuantityPrice Shipping Total

Merchandise Total:
Ct Residents add 6% Sales Tax:
TOTAL Amount of Order:

Please send your check or money order for the TOTAL amount (payable to: Bubble Pitch Builders) to: Bubble Pitch Builders, P.O. Box 425, Hadlyme, CT 06439. You can also use PAYPAL. We will email you an order confirmation and approximate ship date.

Thank you.