New Hope Farm
Organic Fruits & Vegetables |
New Hope Farm is located in Hadlyme, Connecticut.
Shares for the 2006 season have been Sold Out!!. Thank you for your support. Hope to see you all next year.
For more information, please call me at the Farm at 860-526-4039 or send your questions to PO Box 76, Hadlyme, CT 06439.
What is Community Supported Agriculture?
Community Supported Agriculture is a unique partnership between a farmer and the local community.
Community members purchase shares in the local farm. In exchange, they receive high quality,
organic produce that has been grown in an earth-friendly manner, exceeding the standards of
federal certification.
This arrangement has many benefits:
- Every Saturday you will receive high quality, freshly picked organic products.
- You will be intimately connected to the land your food was grown on and the methods by which it was grown.
- You have an opportunity to provide input into the varieties of produce grown.
- You will be supporting open space in our local community.
- You will be supporting a localized food economy rather than relying on the current fragile petroleum-based system.
If you decide this is for you, you would
- Pay in the spring and enjoy fresh organic produce all summer and fall
- Enjoy the full bounty of the season for 20 weeks (June - Oct)
- Experience over 50 diverse varieties (many rare heirlooms) of produce
For more information, please call 860-526-4039.
© 2003-2006 by Chris McLean