
Oh, Snow. The Weather Leaves us Weakened

We have to admit that this winter's weather has challenged our endurance, strength, creativity, financial stability, and frankly sometimes even our patience. Dedicated staff and volunteers have been working hard hours doing their best to make conditions at the farm safe for both animals and visitors. The expense incurred to remove snow has been draining. But we've needed to do it. We are glad to report that through the worst of it, there have been no weather-related injuries to animals or visitors; and all the animals have stayed comfortably warm, safe, and well cared for.

However, our financial situation has approached a critcal level due to the severity of the winter. If you can make a contribution, please visit our Donation Page and help us continue to operate as an animal rescue. Tax deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated. Another way to help us is to shop at the Save-A-Buck Tack & Gift store. They have a good inventory of quality merhandise at terrific prices, and a portion of every purchase is given to Ray of Light Farm.

Snow cancellations in January and February really hurt us, and also affected everyone from Tiny Trotters to Lesson Riders, BIT students, and Filly Night participants. Fortunately, all those programs are now back on track, and glimpses of spring-like conditions keep us optimistic that we will make it to warmer weather yet!