
Anna Twinney and Reach Out to Horses®
to Host Multiple Programs
at Ray of Light

Anna Twinney is respected around the world as an Equine Specialist, Natural Horsemanship Clinician, Animal Communicator and Intuitive Healer. She is bringing her expertise to Ray of Light as she hosts Reach Out to Horses® Clinics this summer and fall.
Click here to see Anna's Ray of Light Schedule. (Shown below)

Click here for a special note from Anna Twinney and Reach Out to Horses. (Links to "Aug12email")


Upcoming Reach Out to Horses® Clinics with Anna Twinney at Ray of Light

To register for any of these clinics, please call us at 860-873-1895

2010 Dates


# of Days

Attend Without Horse

Attend With Horse

July 23


Animal Communication Intro Evening

1 evening

$50 payment received 6 weeks in advance

$50 Early Bird

$75 At the Door

July 24-25

Reach Out to Horses® Natural Horsemanship Clinic

2 days


2 days

August 27-29


Reach Out to Wisdom

2 days

To Be Announced

To Be Announced

August 29-September 10


Reach Out to Holistic Horsemanship Certification Course


10 days



$2,000 early bird

$2,250 regular

September 11-12


Animal Communication 2-day Class


2 days


$300 payment received 6 weeks in advance

$100 At the door

All proceeds for this clinic will be donated to Ray of Light's animal rescue program!

Refund and Cancellation Policy:

    1. Each Student who wants to enroll in a clinic must make a non-refundable full tuition payment to reserve a space in the class.
    2. If a student fails to attend a clinic for any reason, the student will not be entitled to any refund.
    3. The host reserves the right to cancel the clinic at any time - under these circumstances a full refund will be given to the attendee.

To register for any of these clinics, please call Ray of Light Farm at 860-873-1895