
Indian Ponies Seeking Homes

Last fall, four Indian Ponies were rounded up from the streets of East Haddam. The mostly-wild horses had escaped their paddock and were grazing around town when Ray of Light was asked to help capture and then to ultimately keep them.

Once safe at the farm, their story was revealed to us. Several years before, the four horses had been rescued from potentially going to auction. They were then given limited handling from their new owner, but after a few years they were unexpectedly left with someone who could not properly care for them.

The ponies spent the winter with us and have begun gentling training. Recently, two of the ponies, Cheyenne and Algebra, were adopted (hooray for them!). The other two, Maverick and Dylan, (shown below) are still seeking their forever homes. We are looking for homes where the horses can be handled frequently and continue gentling. It will take time and patience, but we are sure that if it is done right it will be a rewarding experience for horse and human.

We have several other horses available for adoption to well-qualified and loving homes.
Click here to meet horses seeking adoption.