

In Need of help: Petear's Light ("Petie")

Petie is a Premarin rescue foal who came to Ray of Light in November of 2009. Since his arrival, we knew that Petie was not like the other foals. For one thing, in the first days at the farm, all the other foals shied away from people and huddled together for security, while this little guy was not so clingy. He wouldn't approach the fence, but he also just didn't seem as wary of people as the other little ones. People speculated that he was a "wise old soul," or some said "something's wrong." Maybe he was just too sleepy to wander the paddock with his pals--Petie napped a lot, and sometimes his sleep was so deep that he wouldn't wake even if someone picked up his feet!

Now we believe that Petie's peculiar behavior may have to do with his young age. Arriving in CT when he was only about 4 months old, he is probably the youngest of our babies of 2009. He was weaned very early, and as of January is still learning to eat solid foods. We have had to teach him to eat grains by washing fortified grain slurry into his mouth. We worry that he is not getting enough nutrition, so we keep an attentive eye on his diet. We also have the veterinarian keeping watch over his development, performing tests, recommending special supplements, and advising us on how to best care for this special little guy.

The unique vigilance, care, and dietary considerations that Petie require create an expense that we are willing to incur to help Petie thrive. It is our duty and pleasure to protect this little one. He is a very nice boy who has made a lot of friends at the farm. He is also a special friend to Honeybrook, another sweet foal who came from the Premarin lots.

Petie needs special dietary supplements, regular veterinary visits, hay, grain, halters and lead ropes.
If you can help us help Petie, please consider making a donation for his cause
by clicking the button below. Every dollar helps.

Come and see this special foal--visitors are welcomed to the farm every day (except Wednesdays)
from 10:00- 3:00.