TRIBUTE TO STRETCH _____ __________________________________________by Evelyn Harris
Sometimes we wonder why certain animals find their
way to our farm. "Stretch", a 7 year old mammoth donkey was just such
a guy. Stretch was a gentle giant...half Forrest Gump and half Gomer Pyle...sweet
and slow.
When I first saw him in late February, he seemed
a little depressed and just a little "off," but he needed to come
to the farm. Even after we treated him for Lyme disease and then White Line
disease, he still had days that were bad with his feet and joints. Yesterday
- Oct. 28th - our vet x-rayed his front feet. It seems that years ago, Stretch
had foundered, causing irreversible damage to his front feet and leaving him
with unacceptable levels of pain.
Last night, with the advice of our vet, we made
the very difficult decision to help Stretch pass away with dignity. He was so
young and sweet.
After his passing, I realized that his journey
here was so that he could be released from his earthly bindings and discomfort.
Thanks to all who realized his magnificence. He will be one
of our cherished memories.
Many Happy Hee-Haws in Heaven, Stretch!