BPB BPB Designs

About BPB Designs

BPB Designs is a division of Bubble Pitch Builders. By day I am a carpenter. In my free time, I like to make different kinds of items. All of the items for sale are individually hand crafted. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

I also read alot, mostly mysteries, but not exclusively. Visit my bookstore for this month's recommendation or go directly to Amazon.com

In case you are wondering, "bubble pitch" refers to the bubble in a level. The picture at the top of this page is that of an old level, approximately 6" wide.

I'm still working on the graphics. Please bear with me.

Thank you.

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BPB Designs © 2001-2004 by E. D. Rives

This site designed and maintained by BPB Designs.